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terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

Motivation in our lives

To the majority of people there are always different kinds of reasons to do or learn something.
Studying for a test, learning how to play a musical instrument, no matter what you intend to do.
There is always an intrinsic or maybe extrinsic motivation that helps you to achieve your objectives.
Everybody, as a human beings, has desires or has his own and main basic needs and if this is something you want a lot it can be done easily if you are really motivated.
Motivation is a feeling that helps the human being, that makes he or she to do his or her best in order to acquire knowledge or dominate something.
The intrinsic motivation is that one which comes, we can dare to say, from the heart. It is something you love and then everything you do is with pleasure, being this way easy to learn or get it.
Although extrinsic motivation doesn't come from the heart, it also helps people to accomplish something; but those who are moved by it, sometimes can find troubles on difficulties because they have to face and convice themselves they need to learn or do such a thing because theirs jobs are going to be better then, for example. They have to put many efforts on it.
Thus, it could be better for everybody if they could find exactly what they intend to do, so everything would be easy, grateful and life would be happier.
By Carine 

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